Every team has to engage in some type of marketing, or interaction with the customer. That may come from more traditional methods (such as emails to customers), or something more indirect (running into a customer at the store). Marketing Principles covers general situations to make sure you represent Tofugu in a way that’s consistent with our brand and who we are.

General Marketing Principles

Make progress for learners

Our first priority should always be to make progress for our learners. Not to sell them something. If our marketing efforts don’t help the learner to make progress in their Japanese studies, then you shouldn’t be doing it. The point of our marketing should be to communicate that.

Avoid Promises

We tend to be overoptimistic. Unless you’re 90% sure about something, don’t talk about it outside of Tofugu. We don’t want to make promises only for something to change.

Underpromise and overdeliver

When we do make a promise, err toward underpromising so that we can overdeliver.

No matter how amazing something is, if we overpromise it’s going to be a disappointment.

On the other hand, overdelivering is always nice.

But, it’s all in relation to where you start.

Don’t Exaggerate / Use Superlatives

Part of being honest is not exaggerating.

It’s also about not using superlatives.

Nobody’s “the best.”

Be Honest

Along the lines of not promising, underpromising, and not exaggerating: tell the truth. It is what it is.

Don’t Be Superfluous

Remove all that’s unnecessary to say what you want to say.

Write and judge each sentence individually.