The Progress of our Learners.

More than anything, we care about how much progress the learner is making in their education—this should not be confused with how much progress they feel they are making. We prioritize the things that actually help learners the most. In addition, we try to prioritize the things that help the most people possible make that progress.

Our impact is individual progress made x number of people affected.

Internally, we also care about our organization’s own educational progress. In other words, our own learning velocity. That’s the speed and rigor at which we improve. How do we apply what we’ve learned? How quickly and how often do we improve? How open minded are we to learning? And how excited are we to find out that we were wrong, because now we can get better? Are we giving feedback? Are we getting feedback?

Doing Meaningful Work.

Do meaningful work that makes a positive difference for individuals, groups, and humanity.

Meaningful Relationships.

Meaningful relationships aren’t easy. It doesn’t mean tiptoeing around people, and not making them mad. It means being direct. It means helping others to grow, and letting others help you to grow.

Giving feedback. Getting feedback. With the intent of becoming better and helping others.

Assuming good intent in communication, and asking for clarification when it seems like that intent isn’t there.

Treating colleagues well, not as costs or assets. Paying people fairly. Making sure they’re not overworking. These things give people the opportunity to have and create meaningful relationships outside of work, too.


Everyone in the company can know what’s going on. They have the information they need to do their job, make decisions, and even act proactively.

Defaulting to communicating in public, whenever possible.

Giving others feedback even if it’s uncomfortable for you.

Share your work, share your progress, and post updates without notifying the entire company. Transparency doesn’t mean “notify everyone,” instead it means making information available, in the right place, in a way that doesn’t get in the way. That said, still notify the right people.


We’re a remote company, with timezones across the world. Waiting for permission = not doing something. You won’t be right all the time, but taking action (especially if you’re ~70% sure it’s the right course of action) is going to be better most of the time.

Act in the benefit of Tofugu.

Take ownership over your work, roles, OKRs, etc. Decide how you’ll do something.